Aptus Legal Systems FAQ
Aptus Billing can be use on any computer, the licensing is by lawyer that invoices (Lawyer that captures times) and you must only place the direct access of the system of the server in the new equipment to access.
When there are any modifications to SAT requirements and they are published, the development area performs the adjustment according to the technical specifications of the SAT. Once they are done, the relevant tests are made and released for the upgrade, and the support area updates the computers with the last modification.
At the moment, the administration area can not use the computer directly on the MAC computer, but you can have access to the Windows server and do your operations. However, lawyers can capture times on a MAC using the Aptus Mobile application without any problems.
To have the right to the updates of the systems without any cost and also to a number of assists on doubts or clarifications about the system that you are operating.
The Aptus Billing system comes with a set of generic Reports. Making a modification of a report does involve a cost, and it is evaluated whether a special one is modified or created, as well as the complexity of the change. If the report has an error, that modification will have no additional cost.
The information is recorded in a database, which can be on an office computer and security runs on behalf of the IT area, or can also be stored in the cloud, where the site guarantees access security. And the reports you generate will stay on your team.
It is the case that in Windows 10 updates, it is updated with the Spanish configuration of Spain, and the European system is used. What should be done is to reconfigure the region in the team to Spanish Mexico and reset each concept of currency, date etc, so that it takes the correct information.
No, only admin users have access to all information. And there are security groups in which you can configure which modules users can access and keep track of which users see the information.
The backup is mainly done by the IT area. Aptus Legal Systems can perform a task to perform the backup daily and store it in a unit that indicates the area of IT, which would be where the information backed up.